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Jihad (fighting against unbelievers) always had a place in Islamic literature, and was also a historical reality in the early days of Islam. But Sayyid Qutb’s book, Milestones (1964), revived it to make it an obligation for all “true” Muslims. He called for violent attacks on anyone, including Muslims, who impede their goal of establishing an Islamic state. His militant book and most influential idea of a vanguard spreading mayhem, demanding for sharia, inspired terrorists around the world since the 1970s, including Al-Qaeda. (Read an analysis of the book here.) Islamism (political Islam) is now a global phenomenon as evident from the photos below of events from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Western countries like the UK!

Note on the author’s language:
Islam: Most often the author does not mean the “mainstream” faith as it is currently being practiced, but political Islam (aka Islamism) where jihadis demand the enforcement of sharia by any means possible
Jahiliyyahh: Originally meant “pre-Islamic ignorance,” however in modern radical writings it’s a code word for “modern civilization” that should be opposed and fought

The following photos show how modern jihad has been inspired to a great extent by Qutb’s revolutionary text:

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