On Writing Bad Propaganda: What to do When the Russians Come
A fine line between disgraceful propaganda material and rational warnings about the enemy
A fine line between disgraceful propaganda material and rational warnings about the enemy
How to deal with symbols of hate?
The last three decades we have witnessed Islamist terrorists attack civlians for their agenda. What are the historical roots of the rage that twists someone’s…
Le Front de Libération du Québec n’est pas le messie, ni un Robin des Bois des temps modernes. C’est un groupement de travailleurs québécois qui…
The most important text by the militant Marxist movement of Canada
The three themes of their manifesto show how the Futurists envisioned the modern world a century ago
Hemingway’s depiction of Italian defeat at the Battle of Caporetto of WWI was too painful to publish
Hemingway’s work was banned despite replacing the “vulgar” words with dashes
Summary and excerpts from the radical text that inspired terror attacks over the last 40 years
Seven communist ideas in White Niggers of America (1968) could be traced to the writings of Karl Marx
Summary of the book by Pierre Vallières, one of the leaders of Front de libération du Québec. Read the controversial quotes
The book that inspired revolutions globally brought to life in 35 historical photos
Why The Communist Manifesto is one of the most controversial books of all time? Read the revolutionary and controversial words
Condemned by the French government and the Catholic Church: Read the controversial passages from Voltaire’s Candide (1759)