In a nutshell: What is the big deal about Shari’ah?
Why some Muslims are fighting to the death to implement Shari’ah?
Why some Muslims are fighting to the death to implement Shari’ah?
The last three decades we have witnessed Islamist terrorists attack civlians for their agenda. What are the historical roots of the rage that twists someone’s…
The motives of iconoclasm range from politics, religion, war, vengeance to art
What is the difference between a Jihadi, a Wahabi and a Salafi Muslim?
Two reasons Madeleine L’Engle’s book was challenged by religious conservatives
Summary and excerpts from the radical text that inspired terror attacks over the last 40 years
Summary of the book by Pierre Vallières, one of the leaders of Front de libération du Québec. Read the controversial quotes
A girl seeks religion while dealing with puberty: her first bra, first period, and first crush. Was the book really anti-Christian?
A summary of Voltaire’s play, about the prophet Mohammed, that was banned in France, then endorsed by the Pope
Why Philip Roth’s book is considered one of the dirtiest books ever published? He was also accused of Jewish self-hatred
Why Gustave Flaubert was put on trial for Madame Bovary?
Why Stephen King’s Carrie is controversial? Read here all the controversial passages from the book
Read the controversial poems by Shel Silverstein deemed by some parents and teachers too controversial for children
Condemned by the French government and the Catholic Church: Read the controversial passages from Voltaire’s Candide (1759)